08 Feb Circle of Control: Decreasing Anxiety and Stress
Brrrrrrr. The west coast is about to experience some cold weather!
Now, did you just think “awesome can’t wait!” or “are you kidding me? Ugh”? Or maybe some anxious thoughts crept their way into your headspace.
First of all, those thoughts are just thoughts, they are not you.
I invite you to investigate the initial reactive thought you had about the cold weather. Is this reaction a habit? Is it serving you? Does it make your feel good?
If we are feeling negatively about the weather, one thing we can do is focus on what we can control.
The Circle of Control
The Circle of Control is a way to figure out what we have control over, influence over, and what things we have no control over. Focussing on what we CAN control can decrease anxiety and stress, and increase a feeling of ease.
The outer circle is the Circle of Concern, which includes all the things we do not have control over but might be concerned about. This could include weather, other people’s behaviour, and social media feeds.
The next circle is the Circle of Influence, which includes things we have influence over, such as relationships, the mood in a room, and our home environment.
Finally, the inner circle is the Circle of Control, which includes things we DO have control over. These include our words, mindset, actions, and what media we choose to consume. This is the circle we want to focus on.
What are some things that you have control over that may help your mindset this week?
Here are a few things to spark some ideas:
- Prepare warm clothing and footwear (maybe put by the door for easier exit)
- Plan for the extra minutes needed to scrape the windshield/warm up the vehicle, or get to the bus stop
- Stock up on soup and tea
- Meditate in the morning for a positive mindset – even just 5 minutes (Check out the app Insight Timer for several free guided meditations)
- Schedule an online exercise class or connect with a friend virtually
- Warm bath
- Quality time without social media
- Make time be playful
- Communicate your needs with a loved one.
Let’s all have a mindful week shall we?
West Coast Clarity
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